Costs of Functional Medicine:

Functional Medicine Costs – General Overview

Functional Medicine Treatment Packages

6-Month Plan: Includes initial consultation plus 6 follow up consultations, initial 2 week detox program, adrenal stress test, GI stool test, and organic acid test. Based on lab results and your symptoms, we’ll come up with a 6 month plan for preserving / restoring your health. We’ll meet once per month to discuss the plan, your progress, and we’ll make adjustments as we go.

Cost = $2295 – this covers the cost of the lab tests and consults, but does not cover the cost of supplements. Call 925-297-4785 for a free 15- minute consultation to see if we are the right fit for each other.

Supplements: Approximately $160-390/month, depending on complexity.

Additional 6-Month Plan: Includes 6 follow up patient consults. Any additional lab tests would be paid for separately.

Cost = $1195

Supplements: Approximately $160-390/month, depending on complexity.

Functional Medicine a la Carte

Consultations: $296/hour


  • Stress Hormones: $185-$495
  • GI Stool Tests: $385-$615
  • Organic Acids Tests: $335-$565

Supplements: Approximately $160-390/month, depending on complexity.

Functional Medicine Costs – The Details

Consultations – $296/hour

These are broken down in 15-minute increments. Generally speaking, initial consultations take longer, along with explaining the lab results and treatment plan. Follow up consultations should take less time.

Functional Medicine Lab Costs

The lab costs above reflect the wholesale cost plus a $50-100 fee for a lab review that includes a supplement recommendation. If you bring in your own labs, or you use your health insurance to pay for part of the labs, you will be charged an additional $50-100 fee for review, depending on the complexity of the lab.

Some good PPO health insurance policies will cover part of the lab cost, depending on the carrier and your policy, and possibly saving you money. Other policies may end up costing more. You can try contacting your insurance beforehand, but there is no way of guaranteeing what your insurance would end up paying.

Insurance coverage for labs will require an ICD9 diagnosis code. Some of the more commonly used codes that may work for functional lab tests include the following:

Stress Hormones & Adrenal Insufficiency Labs

  • R53.83 Other fatigue
  • E34.9 Endocrine disorder, unspecified
  • E03.9 Hypothyroidism, unspecified
  • R53.82 Chronic Fatigue, Unspecified
  • G47.00 Insomnia, unspecified
  • N95.1 Menopausal and Female Climacteric States
  • R63.5 Abnormal Weight Gain
  • R68.82 Decreased Libido

GI Stool Tests:

  • R19.7 Diarrhea, Unspecified
  • K58.0 Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea
  • K58.9 Irritable Bowel Syndrome without Diarrhea
  • R10.9 Unspecified Abdominal Pain
  • R14.0 Abdominal Distension (Gaseous)
  • K59.00 Constipation, Unspecified
  • R14.1 Gas Pain
  • K52.89 Other Specified Noninfective Gastroenteritis and Colitis
  • K52.29 Other Allergic and Dietetic Gastroenteritis and Colitis
  • R 14.3 Flatulence

Organic Acid Tests

  • R53.81 Other Malaise
  • R53.83 Other Fatigue
  • F41.9 Anxiety Disorder, Unspecified
  • L30.9 Dermatitis, Unspecified
  • G47.9 Sleep Disorder, Unspecified
  • E61.9 Deficiency of Nutrient Element, Unspecified
  • E63.9 Nutritional Deficiency, Unspecified
  • L27.2 Dermatitis Due to Ingested Food
  • R53.82 Chronic Fatigue, Unspecified
  • L30.9 Dermatitis, Unspecified
  • G47.9 Sleep Disorder, Unspecified

Costs for Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine patients:

Functional medicine can be included as an additional treatment option for patients receiving acupuncture & Eastern Medicine care. The cost of the labs are the same as described above in the Functional Medicine a la Carte section.

For the Stress Hormones & Adrenal Insufficiency Labs, we can explain the results within the normal time limit of an acupuncture session.

For GI stool test and organic acids labs we require a 30-60 minute functional medicine consult ($148-$296) to explain to you your results, recommended lifestyle changes, and proposed supplement protocol.